Club Night - Data by Richard G8NDD
Wednesday 9th May 2007

Another 'Top Evening', this time from Richard G8NDD who presented to us the current progress in the world of data modes.  I think most people were fascinated to learn how many different modes had come and gone, and to listen to and recognise their individual sounds.

Possibly the ARPS system, combining Data with GPS to automatically map in real-time the movement and location of portable stations, captured the most interest. This, together with the ability to send pictures over the air to another station (or control centre in the case of Raynet), was recognised as a most practical and powerful use for Raynet, enabling it to offer a variety of support to the emergency services in a critical situation.

A really great night .. thanks Richard

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Software mentioned and recommended by Richard

(Latest versions of these programmes can be downloaded from the following links)

Digipan  A Freeware programme for PSK31 and PSK63.

FNpack  A package for message handling in emergency amateur radio situations.

FNpsk   Software for emergency message handling using PSK31 or PSK63.

Ham Radio Deluxe  Multi purpose software for Amateur Radio.

MIXWIN  Software for digital modes without a TNC.

MMTY  Package for decoding RTTY.

MT63  Software for digital modes using your PC Soundcard (Slow site).

UI-View  The main software for ARPS.

WINDRM  Very new mode for fast transfer of data on HF.

WINPSK  Another piece of software for PSK31 and PSK63


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