W.A.D.A.R.C. 25th Anniversary Dinner


Held at the Hotel Victoria, New Brighton, on Friday 6th December, 2002

 Where unlicensed partners appear in a picture, their “Other Half’s” callsign is shown in brackets

Neil, G4OAR (Club Chairman) and Pete, G3PYU - the club's earliest callsign

©wadarc 2002


©wadarc 2002

L to R Eric (the horns) G6HWD, Frank G4DBG, Pat (G6HWD), Pauline (G0JZP), Heather G7EZG & Bob G4NCI


Frank G8REQ & XYL Joan,  with Vera and & Kenny G8GTI

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(L. to R.) Phil G0JSB with XYL Jan G6SNO, enjoying a drink with Eileen G3WIO, our only Honorary Member 

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Bob G4NCI, Jackie (G7BBF), Janet (G4NCI) & Steve, G7BBF


L. to R. Gordon, G8MMM, Paul G8NOM, Ann (G8TCC) Jem G4NOY and  Steve G8TCC

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Pete G3PYU and Richard G8NDD


Steve G8WOF

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Elaine and Husband Gerry G8TRY


Paul G8NOM, Ann (G8TCC), Julie M3JLI, and Steve G8TCC

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Eileen, G3WIO


Bill M1ARH & Val

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Phil G6IIM & Heather G7EZG with the raffle


Katie 2E1CES & Julie M3JLI

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Pattie (G3RLA) & Yvonne (G4BKF)


And, finally, our intrepid photographers


©wadarc 2002


Steve G7BBF >


Colin  G3RLA  <


©wadarc 2002


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